Stuffed twist and updo hair Styles by Arica Hart with braid hair

By Arica Hart
Updated 6-25-2017

Updo, braids, stuffed twist, weave, black hair styles & care
Updo with braids hair Styles by Arica Hart

Stuffed Twist and Up-Do Hair Styles

Hi ladies! Have you ever wanted to try something that will last a little longer, but still give you a graceful and elegant look. Well, look no farther. Stuffed twist up-dos and  twist wrapped around the crown are nice and cool for those hot summer days, but yet classy enough to intrigue people to take a second glance at you. Yea, you know when you make them feel like they on a roller coaster, because they just whipped their neck around to see your class and style. That's what I'm talking about.

Always remember, you help make the style by the way you carry yourself. You are beautiful in any style you wear, if it's neat and kept up well. Of course, certain styles may seem to compliment your face more, but you tend to already know if you don't like something hanging in your face or pulled all the way up. Those are things you need to communicate with your stylist before getting slayed (beautiful) ! Well take the time this summer to rock you a stuffed twist Up-do style and wow the crowd !! Have a nice day and be blessed !!

Braided Up-do with weave twist at the top.

Stuffed twist, weave, updo, hairstyles, black hair styles
Stuffed Twist hair styles by Arica Hart

Stuffed twist with big twist hanging to front side.

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